
Sunday 14 April 2019

MI6s enhanced team are currently on a mission deep in the heart of Germany investigating the activities of a secret enhanced section of the German war machine, the Wolfenkorps. The team consists of Mademoiselle Mimi Dubois, La RĂ©sistance fighter and mistress of skills; Miss Madeline Forsyth, SOE operative and a living shadow; Sven Hyse, Norwegian Resistance soldier and shapeshifter; and Franklin Fort, hard bitten soldier and teleporter.

Wewelsburg Village, Germany, November 1942
Madeline hands me the letter from the drawer of Oberst Frauden, it is dated a week ago and clearly states that both Wolfenkorps Alpha and Beta teams will be taking part in a demonstration of their skills to national civilian and military leadership. Very interesting indeed.

Having had a quick scan through the the filing cabinets I let Madeline know that I have found sections on finances, resources, progress summaries, locations, and production information. Everything appears to be high level summaries, as you might expect in the office of the head of one of the teams. To double check I pull one of the files with regards to production information. The documents within confirm that progress is being made with regards to the industrialisation of the production of the enhanced chemical, the process began in September 1942 and is due for completion either late 1942 or early in 1943. The main production hub is listed as Schloss Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, Bavaria, Germany. I make a quick note of this in my field notebook.

I also spot that the summary file has a reference number which seems to point to more detailed filing system where further information can be found. I make a note of the reference number and check with Madeline what she thinks that we should do. We both replace what we have found and leave the place as we found it, including Madeline relocking the Oberst’s drawer, we then exit the office and slip under the door of the secretaries office opposite. We find ourselves in a very spartan office with no documentation or filing visible. While I check out the window in here for an exit route, Madeline checks out the office of Oberstleutnant Baynurn but finds little of interest.

We had been within Schloss Wewelsburg for approximately fifty minutes by the time that we were searching for a safe exit route, at that same moment Private Fort’s patience had given out and he decided to come looking for us in fear that we had been captured. Frank blinks in and out of this reality and within seconds has covered the half mile to the forest's edge. He checks his surroundings and is just about to teleport across the open fields when his powers fail him. Unperturbed, Frank hugs the shadows and creeps stealthily towards his target.

By zero one forty five hours Madeline and I are on the roof of Schloss Wewelsburg while Sven hops around in his thrush form looking for the best flight path off of the roof avoiding the worst of the searchlights. Just as Sven is sliding down the pitch of the roof to rejoin us, Madeline points to the tower to our right, we both look in the direction that she is pointing to and we spot Frank crouched at the top of the tower. As we are watching, he disappears once again and reappears a heartbeat later sat astride one of the attic windows. Madeline quickly covers him from the sight of the Wolfenkorps guards on top of the main tower with a patch of absolute darkness.

We all converge on Frank and ask him why he has come in just as we were about to retreat back to him, he just looks at us and says;
You took to long! I am a man of action and I strike while the iron is hot!
Madeline looks scornfully at him, although Frank was oblivious to her look as she was still in her shadow form, and asks him;
How many of these missions have you been on?
Frank is silent and Madeline follows up with;
Exactly! Then I suggest that you follow our lead and meet us back at the observation point.
Frank nods his assent and then disappears once again. He blinks into reality at the top of the tower again before disappearing again. Sven transforms into a sea eagle and Madeline and I slide onto him, he then launches himself off of the roof and after a brief dive begins to climb up into the night sky. As Sven is pulling away from Schloss Wewelsburg Madeline and I look back towards the castle and are pleased to see that it looks like the alarm hasn’t been sounded.

We regroup and discuss what we have found. Sven is very keen to go in and blow up the buildings generator and fuel tank with explosives, and then attack the accommodation block creating as much havoc as possible to cause a distraction. He would also like to get control of the halftrack and take it for a destructive spin. Frank looks very keen on this plan, but I point out that the mission has a number of priorities and that causing chaos is the lowest priority on the list;
We need more information first!
With a bit of a deflated expression on his face, Sven transforms once again into a thrush and heads in for a closer look at the accommodation block and the generator. The accommodation block is four stories high and at this time of night does not have many lights on. Sven lands on the roof of the building and then hops down to the window ledge of one of the rooms that still has a light on. Through a gap in the curtains he can see a middle aged man sat at a desk writing. On the back of the door of the small room Sven can see a white laboratory coat hung up. It would appear that there are scientists on site here, which makes sense.

Sven flaps down to the generator building but can not see anything inside as it is dark inside. From his perch on top of the generator building he has a clear view of the main gate and he sees two guards with what is clearly one of the enhanced dogs that we saw under Kohnstein. Sven returns to us and lets us know what he has discovered, Frank asks about the enhanced dogs and we explain to him what they are, it was then that Madeline coined the term Wolfenhund.

I suggest that we need to know what is in the other outbuildings, and in particular the generator building, and Sven begrudgingly says that we have thirty minutes to scout them out but that is all. It would seem that Frank’s ‘man of action’ speech is having an effect on Sven’s approach.

Madeline and I slip into the compound in shadow form and slide up to the generator building. We discover a vent large enough for us to glide through and find ourselves inside looking at a diesel generator, using the engineering skill that I borrowed when we were stealing a ship to break the blockade of Malta, I give the generator a look over. I am suddenly reminded of an old La RĂ©sistance trick of putting sugar in the petrol tanks of German vehicles to clog the fuel filters and disable them, and with my borrowed knowledge I am well aware that sand and dirt will do a very similar thing. I tell Madeline my new plan and she approves.

We slip out of the generator building and slide past the fuel tank feeding the generator to the remaining outbuilding. Now that we are closer it is obvious that this final building is a new prefabricated structure with a metal roof. Suddenly, my paranoia kicks in and I push out with my senses to check if there are any enhanced in the area. I had started to think of my ability similar to that of a submarines active sonar by this time and I remember turning to Madeline and gesturing that I had issued a ‘ping’ and had three returns.

I focus on one of the returns and push out once more with my senses, but I get nothing but a void. Madeline and I are then chilled by the sound of a large dog howling from within the building. That single howl is quickly joined by two other howls from within. I make the educated guess that there are three Wolfenhund within the new building. Madeline points out that there are raised voices coming from the direction of the front gate, we quickly slide up the walls and hide on the roof of the prefabricated building. As the voices get closer we can hear;
...t’s got into them? Something must’ve disturbed them.
A second voice replies;
They are normally very quiet. Check the door.
The first voice answers;
It’s shut tight, let’s have a look around.
We hear the sound of them circling around the Wolfenhund kennel, for that is what we now believe it to be, and we can also hear the sound of their Wolfenhund sniffing about looking for a scent to follow. We breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t find one and they all return to the main gate. Once they have reached the gate we leave and head back to regroup with the others at the observation point.

We tell the others everything that we have discovered, as well as my plan to disable the generator without the use of explosives. It is agreed that we need to go back in and search the main Schloss, and that Madeline and I will head in and disable the generator and then the others will meet us on the roof of the Schloss, including Frank. Madeline and I will get into the Oberst secretaries office and open the window so that the others can gain entry.

By zero three thirty two Madeline and I, carrying a small bag of fine dirt, are sliding into the generator building. As we were passing through the fence we had spotted that the guards were patrolling the perimeter fence with one of the Wolfenhund. Inside the generator building I gain access to the fuel input line and pour in the contents of my small bag, I then seal up the fuel line and we slip out of the building and hide ourselves by the base of one of the powerful flood lights that is illuminating the Schloss, and we wait.

It is a tense twelve minute wait. But, eventually the flood lights flicker and seconds later they die. Schloss Wewelsburg is plunged into darkness. It becomes obvious that the generator was powering the whole building and not just the exterior lights, Madeline and I start to move in. At the moment that the lights go out, taking that as their cue, Sven leaps into the air in the guise of a hawk and Frank disappears.

Madeline and I get to the bottom of the stream bed that circles this side of the Schloss, we spot the main doors open and a Wolfenkorps Unterfeldwebel, with a trooper by his side, rush out and head towards the generator building. Once they have passed we slide up the outside of the Schloss and onto the roof. By the time we get there Sven is perched on the interior gutter and Frank is sat astride one of the attic roof windows.

Madeline and I slip in through the Oberst secretaries office window and once inside we quietly open the window and then the shutters. There is just enough moonlight for Frank to see the inside of the office and a second later he has disappeared from the top of the attic window and is stood inside the office. Sven transforms into a thrush and flies in, once we are all inside Madeline closes the shutters once more. As soon as the shutters are closed and the room is plunged into darkness Frank strikes a match and the room is lit with the low light.

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