
Sunday 10 February 2019

MI6s Enhanced Team are investigating the connection between the German facility hidden beneath Kohnstein and the mysterious chemical that gave them their abilities. They have gained entry into Mittelwerk III and IV and have secured a document pointing to a section of the German army called the Wolfenkorps, and their headquarters. The team consists of Mademoiselle Mimi Dubois, La Résistance fighter and mistress of skills; Miss Madeline Forsyth, SOE operative and a living shadow; Sven Hyse, Norwegian Resistance soldier and shapeshifter; and Doctor Jackal, timid physician with his less than timid friend Mister Hades.

Kohnstein Facility, Niedersachswerfen, Germany, October 1942
Having regrouped back in our guard post niche and discovered the contents of the file, Madeline and I head back to search the other open areas. We slide along the ceiling and into the corridor opposite the logistics office, a small sign at the entrance to the corridor declares that this is Qualitätskontrolle. We find ourselves in a large, rectangular, and utterly empty room. It is, however, obvious that recently some sort of machinery was bolted to the floor in here. The Wolfenkorps seem to have been meticulous in their clean up when abandoning the facility. Madeline and I proceed deeper into the complex.

At the end of a short corridor we find ourselves in a large circular room with six exits, including the corridor that runs back to Qualitätskontrolle, evenly spaced around the room. There are small signs identifying each exit, and reading anticlockwise around the room they say; Extraktion, Raffinesse, Löslichkeit, Testen I, and Testen II. The RAF boys had made sure that Testen I and II were blocked to normal people due to a tunnel collapse, Löslichkeit also showed signs of significant collapse beyond the large blast doors. But this collapse had buckled the doors enough that Madeline and I in shadow form could slip through without issue.

We slide in between the large chunks of debris into Löslichkeit, which we both knew was German for solubility, and discovered a large rectangular room whose ceiling had completely caved in destroying all of the machinery and equipment that had taken up the floorspace of the room. Amid the wreckage Madeline discovered a number of crushed filing cabinets along one of the walls, all of them filled with paperwork. We quickly began to ferry the reams of paperwork back to Doctor Jackal for him to review.

It takes me twenty minutes to shuttle run as many of the loose documents as I can back to Doctor Jackal and Sven, while Madeline spends the time extracting them out of the debris. While she is doing this she discovers the bodies of four scientists under the collapsed ceiling. There are all carrying both military and Wolfenkorps identity cards, as well as security passes for Mittelwerk III. Once we have thoroughly searched Löslichkeit, and being confident that there are no other immediate dangers within the facility, we decide to move Doctor Jackal and Sven up to the circular room beyond Qualitätskontrolle and set up there with a lightsource.

As we turn the corner into the long corridor with Qualitätskontrolle and Logistik leading off of it, Henry points to the doorway at the end of the corridor and asks what is in there, Madeline and I look at each other and shrug. We head down the corridor towards the door in question. As we are passing the the blast doors at the end of the corridor we hear the sound of a dog barking behind us. The three of us turn around and can see a large German shepherd sat outside the door to Logistik barking. Panic seized my chest as I looked along the corridor and saw one of the enhanced hounds in our corridor.

Doctor Jackal looked down the corridor and saw the beast, he then looked left and right and did not see Madeline and myself. There were however, two new dark patches of shadow on the ceiling above him. The beast outside the door to Logistik barked again, almost as if it were attempting to talk to those trapped inside. After a tense moment the hound looks down the length of the corridor and locks eyes with Henry, it then starts to pad towards him. As it moves it’s form begins to shift and a second later Sven is striding along the corridor towards Doctor Jackal. The rest of us let go of the breath that we all seemed to be holding.

The door at the end of the corridor, next to the large blast doors has a small sign outside of it reading Verwaltung. Madeline slips over the top of the door and finds herself in yet another bare room, yet again the Wolfenkorps have been through in their cleanup. Outside the door of the Verwaltung Doctor Jackal, Sven and myself are checking out the blast doors. There appears to be some kind of mechanism for opening them but there is no power running to it. Madeline returns and attempts to slip through the blast doors, but they are airtight and she has no luck.

We head back to the circular room beyond Qualitätskontrolle and Doctor Jackal settles down and once again begins to review all of the documentation that we have recovered so far. Madeline and I leave Sven watching over Doctor Jackal and decide to search Testen II. After a short while, Henry looks up to Sven and says;
They appear to be processing Cobalt 60, which is radioactive isotope of cobalt. The process described involves dissolving Cobalt 60 in water and creating a stable solution. There are numerous references to procedures to protect the scientists from the harmful effects of Cobalt 60. The output is noted here as 0.568 litres per week.
Sven looks blankly back at Doctor Jackal, shrugs and looks back down the corridor for something to hit.

Inside Testen II we discover the bodies of another two laboratory technicians, both of which are carrying similar identity cards to the corpses in Löslichkeit. The room itself is full of rubble, crushed machinery, and more damaged filing cabinets full of paperwork. I again start to ferry the paperwork back to Doctor Jackal, when I get to him it is obvious that he has started to sort all of the paperwork based how vital he deems the information within. I head back into Testen II and find Madeline searching the rest of the room. She finds a metal tube, nine inches in length and cigar shaped with a screw top at one end. She says that it is much heavier than it appears, Madeline makes sure that she hands the canister to Doctor Jackal. When she hands it over Henry looks up from the paperwork and says;
According to this they have not yet managed to industrialise the process yet but were using this facility as a mini testing site with that as a goal. There is also evidence that they have been testing on live cells, biological samples and animal organs. Any samples that passed the testing criteria were confirmed as meeting the standards and shipped out. The effects seem to be taking effect in the medium timeframe, were as we were effected in a very short time frame and Falltur was affected over a very long timeframe. This process is far more controlled and directed.
Madeline yawns, stretches, transforms into shadow, and slips into the derelict Testen I laboratory.

Laboratory Testen I is in a very similar condition to Testen II, including the bodies of two scientists and several crushed filing cabinets. Yet again we shift as much paperwork as possible to Doctor Jackal and he continues to sort it all out into piles of relevance and importance. By this time it was oh three hundred and Madeline and I head for Extraktion leaving Doctor Jackal knee deep in paperwork. Madeline slips through under the door and finds that the Wolfenkorps have cleared the room. It is obvious that there were once machines bolted to the floor. Madeline heads for Raffinesse and discovers the same situation there.

Madeline stands in the centre of the circular room with her hands on her hips looking down at Doctor Jackal, who is engrossed in sorting and reading paperwork, she looks at Sven and I and says;
Shall we have a look at those blast doors then while he’s busy?
We both nod and so she heads back towards the truck. A few minutes later she reappears carrying a crowbar, which she hands to Sven with a broad smile. Sven forces the jemmy between the blast doors, braces his feet, and heaves. The veins stand out on his forehead and there is an almost imperceptible hiss as the doors part a couple of millimetres and the airtight seal is broken. And a couple of millimetres is all that Madeline requires to be able to slide through, she finds herself in a large curving tunnel that ends after forty yards at another set of blast doors.

This time the power light on the mechanism is lit and the doors are slightly warm to the touch. Madeline slips through the top of the doors, where the air tight seal seems to have perished, and finds herself in a large room filled with machines and laboratory equipment. She quickly realises that it is the same room that she discovered when she traversed the pipe from the top of Kohnstein, which means that this must be Mittelwerk II. She also realises that the other pipes must exit further back in the complex and that it might be better to view from there to see what is going on.

She heads back and fills us in, we quickly decide to head topside and check out the pipes further towards the rear slope of the hill. Minutes later, Madeline is once again sliding down a pipe and cutting her way through several layers of filters. When she finally breaks through she finds herself staring down at what appears to be a large missile with wings and an unusual tube like device at its rear. As she watches, one of the scientists presses a button and flames begin to rush from the rear of the strange tube.

We retreat from the hilltop and return to our secure guard post to rest up. I sleep while Madeline checks in with Henry. Doctor Jackal is still happily sifting through the mountain of notes and documents. By this time it is zero four thirty hours and Sven has decided once more to check out the airfield, he transforms once more into a large raven and flies over to the fighter planes that are parked at the edge of the runway. He recognises them as Messerschmitt ME109s, and believing that we will be leaving soon decides to sabotage them immediately by biting through all of their visible hoses. It is only when he gets back to the rest of us much later that he realises that we plan to wait out the day in our hidden guard post.

Madeline shakes me awake just before ten hundred hours, she tells me that Doctor Jackal is still nose deep in the documents and that there has been no sign of Sven. At that precise moment a large rat crawls through the rubble from the outside and transforms into Sven. He informs us that there was another shift change of workers at zero eight hundred hours, confirming that they are on an eight hour three shift rota. Madeline and Sven then bed down while I take up a watch patrol.

Every time that I look in on Doctor Jackal he seems more and more manic, like a man who has drunk far to much strong coffee. On one of these visits he looks up at me and says;
They appear to be testing the chemical properties of the cobalt 60 solution in Testen I and they have a number of tests that would allow me to recreate the process so I have committed it all to memory have I told you that I can remember everything that I see yes of course I have why wouldn’t I have I think that I might need to sleep soon but I still have so much to finish reading and it is all very important I better carry on.
I back slowly out of the room, hoping that I don’t get to meet Mr Hades. Eventually, around twelve hundred hours, Doctor Jackal admits defeat and heads for bed. I am relieved to see him do so.

The day passes quietly and Madeline and Sven both wake around eighteen hundred hours, I let them take over watch duties and head back to bed. Sven heads out once again as a thrush and makes a note of guard positions, possible targets for demolitions, and the location of the fuel trucks. He also notices that his sabotage of the fighter planes has not been detected. Doctor Jackal, once he is refreshed from his sleep, finishes off his reading and by twenty one hundred hours we are all packed and ready to ship out. We agree to check the fuel in the transport planes before we make our plans.

I rig up a simple dipstick and myself and Madeline slide out of the front of Mittelwerk IV in shadow form. We glide straight across the middle of the airfield towards the Junkers Ju 88, while Madeline reconnoitres the inside of the aircraft I check with the dipstick and find that it is fully fuelled. I also carry out a quick preflight check on the exterior of the plane and it looks in serviceable condition. On the inside Madeline removes a vital component from the planes radio, but leaving in quickly repairable state if you know what is wrong. We move onto the Heinkel He 111 and carry out the same process, finding that it is also fully fuelled.

Madeline and I regroup with the others and we sit down to plan our escape.