
Saturday 15 June 2019

Having gained entry to Schloss Neuschwanstein in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, MI6s team of enhanced individuals have discovered a wealth of information about the German enhanced programme as well as details of the imminent visit of Adolf Hitler. The team consists of Mademoiselle Mimi Dubois, La RĂ©sistance fighter and mistress of skills; Miss Madeline Forsyth, SOE operative and a living shadow; Franklin Fort, hard bitten soldier and teleporter; and Sven Hyse, Norwegian Resistance soldier and shapeshifter.

Schloss Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, Germany, January 1943
Having stifled our laughter over Wolfenkorps Beta blaming the SS for the attack on Schloss Wewelsburg, we agree that it is worth searching the fourth floor for the rumoured application facilities. Once again a thrush and two shadows climb onto Frank and we all disappear, only to reappear next to the nearest staircase not covered by the sight of an enhanced screech owl. We move along the upper corridor to the next stairwell and then head upwards with Madeline taking point in shadow form on the ceiling.

After two turns we pass the entrance to the third floor, two turns later and we exit onto the fourth floor. We find ourselves at the end of a corridor and in the middle of the opposite wall are a large set of double doors. Madeline heads for the double doors and I slide along the corridor to peer around the corner at the end. Madeline slips in under the doors and finds herself in a completely empty hospital ward. It is as if the ward is ready for patients but has not seen any as of yet. The beds are all bare, and the clipboards at the end of each bed is empty of medical notes. At the opposite end of the ward is another set of double doors that would open out onto a parallel corridor that would be covered by the eyes of the enhanced screech owl positioned at the staircase on that side of the building.

As I look around the corner I can see another set of double doors across from me, I am unable to get to them without potentially crossing the eye line of the enhanced owl. So I retreat back to the others and once we have regrouped, Frank teleports us back to the broom cupboard on the ground floor. We quietly make our way to the tower that we entered through and after several seconds of Frank looking out of the window with a furrowed brow he disappears. We open the window just enough for Sven to slip out in his thrush form, and then we shut the shutters and the window once again before Madeline and I slip out of the Schloss.

By zero four hundred hours we have all made it safely back to RV1 and settle down to discuss what we are planning to do. It doesn’t take us long to come to the consensus that if have the opportunity to assassinate Hitler then we are all agreed that it must be our priority. But we are also aware that getting all of the information that we have recovered needs to be returned to our superiors should we fail. After a short debate it is settled that Sven has the greatest chance to get back to England with the information and so Madeline hands him the canister of film from her camera.

What followed was a couple of hours of planning and discounting possibilities and plan Bs. Eventually it is settled. We are going to attempt to bury Hitler under a mountain in Austria. We plan on waiting until Hitler has descended into the mine to inspect the Wolfenkorps Alpha weapon and then detonate the explosives that have been set to collapse the tunnel. We know from the itinerary that the Berwang visit is scheduled to take place between sixteen hundred and eighteen hundred hours. From our previous scouting we know that we will require at least ten detonators to trigger the five hundred metres of explosives, and so Madeline and I rig up ten one minute detonator packs on a pull pin that Sven will be able to trigger if flying. Sven also requests two twenty second charges be made up for him to use as he sees fit.

We agree to have a final scout of the Berwang site that evening to see if anything has been changed before we attempt our plan. We set out at twenty hundred hours with the intention of arriving just after midnight, but I struggle with the terrain and we don’t regroup at RV2 until zero thirty hours. Everything looks unchanged in the village and so we agree to sneak into the mine once again. Frank sets up his rifle and stays on overwatch from RV2 while Sven transforms into a large owl and flies Madeline and I into the treeline above the mine entrance. We slide down the snow-covered slope to the roof of the building covering the mine entrance and slip towards the roof vent.

As we are sliding in we overhear the two German troops stationed to guard the mine entrance complaining about how cold it is and the fact that the visit tomorrow is going to be a nightmare. We slip inside and head into the mine tunnel, the first thing that we spot is that the Germans have finished the wiring of the tunnel explosives and that they are ready to be connected to a floor level trunking prior to detonation. We realise that means that no one will be inspecting at high level and so Madeline slides up to ceiling level and wires in our detonators, while I follow on behind and make sure that they are camouflaged by the other wiring.

We travel all the way in and check out the corrugated iron shack, we discover that it has been tidied up in preparation for the visit tomorrow. We leave without touching anything as we do not wish to give the game away and run the risk of missing our opportunity. We next return to the rear of the concrete bunker, and while I am pushing out with my senses to see if the number of enhanced beings has been increased, Madeline removes the explosive charge that we had set on our first visit. I confirm that the bunker contains the same three enhanced beings and so Frank, Sven and I regroup at RV2.

Madeline heads for the underside of the Tiger tank, which is positioned just outside the mine entrance building, where she intends on waiting out the evening and keeping watch during the following day. The rest of us make ready to leave for RV1 so that we can monitor the visit. Everyone is tense, but that is understandable, for tomorrow we attempt to kill Hitler.