
Sunday 2 June 2019

...part two...

Two miles east of the village of Hohenschwangau, Germany, January 1943
The rest of the night and the following day pass uneventfully while we rotate watches and get some rest. Once the sun has sunk below the horizon we start to prepare for our next scouting mission. By eighteen hundred hours we are hidden within the tree line at the eastern edge of the newly constructed industrial production site.

Leaving Frank and Madeline keeping watch within the trees, Sven transforms into a large owl and I once again slide in shadow form onto his front so that he can do a fly past while I check for enhanced beings. We criss cross to cover all of the buildings within the compound and when I push out with my senses I discover two enhanced beings in the large four storey building, but find no others. I get Sven to land on top of the four storey building and push out with my senses once again. I discover that both of them are on the top floor, and when I push again I discover that both of them are resistant to damage and are hard to kill.

I am desperate to test my ability to ‘borrow’ enhanced powers at a distance I attempt to take one of the Wolfenkorps Beta troops ability to be hard to kill. Moments later a broad smile spreads across my shadowy face as I feel the new power join my own, and those ‘borrowed’ from Madeline. I slid back onto Sven and he leaps into the night sky, he takes us out past the guard post at the main gate. As we fly over it I push out with my senses and get six returns, Sven swoops around and we regroup with the others. They inform us that they had spotted a two man patrol heading anti-clockwise around the perimeter fence being led by a Wolfenhund.

We watch as the patrol leaves the guard house at the main gate and Madeline and I quickly dash around and slip in under the Panzer IV. I push out with my senses and again receive returns from six enhanced beings, four of which are grouped together against the northern wall and the other two seem to be together next to the southern wall of the guard house. I push deeper and check out the four that are grouped together, I discover that all of them are Wolfenhund. I switch to the other two and discover that one of them is a Wolfenhund but the other is resistant to damage and has a greater vitality. While I am busy doing that, Madeline was checking out the tank itself and discovering that it was locked down and had a single occupant, a German tank crewman who has his nose in a newspaper.

We once again regroup and discuss what we have found. There is a clear pattern with the Wolfenkorps enhanced troops, they all seem to be resistant to damage but some are particularly hard to kill and others are gifted with extra vitality. We agree to designate them Wolfenkorps type A and type B troops. By twenty twenty five hours Madeline, Sven and I are heading back into the compound while Frank has settled into the treeline with his rifle aimed at the guard house giving us cover if we need it. Sven takes up a watch position on top of the four storey building while Madeline and I search the warehouses.

Two of the warehouses appear to be set up with machinery fully installed and operational, but neither of them have any documentation or paperwork to indicate what processes are taking place in them. The third warehouse is almost empty with one area stacked with crates of spares. Madeline and I agree that we need to search the other buildings that we believe are likely to be the accommodation and offices but that it is too early and that we will should wait until midnight. Madeline heads off to let Frank know and I hunker down in the empty warehouse to wait.

At zero zero five hours Madeline and I gain access to the smaller of the three buildings running down the middle of the site. I push out with my senses and discover that there are no enhanced within it, we slip in and discover a couple of offices. One of them belongs to Major Hellmann and the other to a Hauptmann Lerner. Madeline searches the desk of the Major while I search the filing cabinet in his room, Madeline discovers that Major Hellmann is the commanding officer of this site and there are notes on the Extraction and Refinement facilities that are up and running, Madeline makes the assumption that this is referring to the two warehouses that contained machinery.

Madeline also discovers notes detailing that the Solubility facility is still under construction and is due to be up and running in one months time. While Madeline was finding this all out I had discovered that the Solubility facility is late, and that command is not happy with that. I also find staff records referring to two hundred troops and almost one hundred scientists and technicians. There is a note to say that the scientists are being led by a Professor Forsthoff, and that he is under the direct command of Oberst De Brucker who is named as the Head of Production and Application. It would seem that Forsthoff is only connected to production.

I also find a separate file detailing enhanced resources. It states that the site has six Wolfenhund and three Wolfenkorps Unterfeldwebel, each of which has an asterisk next to their names. This seems to correspond with the number of Wolfenkorps type A and B that we have discovered and so we quickly make a note of the names;
Unterfeldwebel Dieter Voigt
Unterfeldwebel Peter Engel
Unterfeldwebel Uwe Beck
We quickly search the rest of the ground floor and discover nothing else of interest and so we regroup once again and make the decision to retreat back to OP1. By zero one thirty hours we are all staring out at Schloss Neuschwanstein and agree that we are going in.

We make our way separately to the base of the rocky outcropping that the Schloss sits upon, Frank and Sven stay at the base while Madeline and I slide up the cliff face and get to the base of the nearest tower. I push out with my senses and discover that there are two enhanced within the main gate and eight further back from the main gate. I push again on one of the eight and confirm that it is a Wolfenhund. Madeline gains entry to the tower through one of the ground floor windows, and once inside she opens the shutters and window just enough for someone to see inside.

I lean out over the cliff face and signal both Frank and Sven that all is clear. Sven transforms himself into a thrush and flies up towards the top of the cliff. Frank just disappears, and a second later he is crouched next to me. A second later and he has disappeared once again and is stood at the base of the tower within its shadow, another second and he is stood within the tower. Sven flaps up and slips in through the open window and I bring up the rear. Once I am inside, Madeline closes the shutters and window.

We find ourselves inside a circular tower with stone steps leading upwards and a doorway leading into a large room. We move into the large room and begin to head to the far side of the room where we find yet another spiral staircase. We are inside the Schloss and it is a big building. This could take a lot of searching.