
Sunday 30 June 2019

MI6s team of enhanced individuals have successfully buried Hitler in a disused mine intended for the test of wolfenkorps Alpha’s weapon of mass destruction. Now the race is on to detonate the weapon and kill Hitler before he can escape. The team consists of Mademoiselle Mimi Dubois, La Résistance fighter and mistress of skills; Miss Madeline Forsyth, SOE operative and a living shadow; Franklin Fort, hard bitten soldier and teleporter; and Sven Hyse, Norwegian Resistance soldier and shapeshifter.

Berwang, Austria, January 1943
From his hiding position in the treeline behind the bunker, Frank lines up on one of the German troopers hiding behind the vehicles parked by the side of the bunker. The trooper ducks out of sight just as Frank pulls the trigger and his bullet buries itself uselessly into the ground. Almost simultaneously on the roof of the mine entrance, Sven pulls the trigger on his bren gun that is aimed at the trooper and scientist stood not far away from the bunker entrance. He also misses and his bullets chew up the landscape causing the two people that he was aiming for to dive for cover.

Madeline spots the group of soldiers and scientists cowering behind the mine entrance building begin to creep for the treeline, she slides in behind them and lines up one of the Wolfenkorps troopers in her gaze. Out of the corner of her eye she spots that the main hatch on the tank has been thrown open, but whoever is left alive inside does not have the strength to clamber out.

The clamour of gunfire and shouting is shattered by the sound of yet another explosion. This one emanating from the mouth of the bunker as my explosive charge detonates. I could tell that I had got the charge just right as the door that I was hiding behind buckled out of it’s frame. I hoped that it had the same effect on the rest of the doors in the corridor.

At the sound of the explosion in the bunker the two hiding by the vehicles and the two that Sven had missed all break for the village at a blind run. Frank sights his rifle on one of the running Wolfenkorps troops and squeezes the trigger. This time his aim is true and the trooper flies forwards onto his face having taken a direct hit to the back of the head.

Inside the bunker I reach out with my senses to make sure that there are no enemy enhanced in my vicinity, I get a single contact that is in the location where I left Frank and so I slide in shadow form under the door. I find myself in a scene of carnage. There are a number of dead Wolfenkorps troopers littered along the corridor, several of which have been dismembered. A couple of the troops and badly injured but still conscious, and there is a single Wolfenkorps trooper crouched by the entrance with his rifle aimed outwards, he is completely unaware of me. So I ignore him and head for the door next to the guardroom.

Madeline sprints into the middle of the running group and lets loose with her frost gaze, one of the troopers drops to the floor with his blood frozen in his veins. The rest of the group stop creeping and start to run in a blind panic towards the treeline. She moves her gaze to another of the running Wolfenkorps troopers and freezes him in place with a lethal blink. Two seconds later and the third and final trooper is turned into a frosted corpse.

Frank methodically start to take out the other runners with his rifle. He shoots the first in the body and he immediately falls to the floor dead, Frank shoots the next one in his right leg and he spins to the floor clutching at his bloody appendage. Frank sights on the final runner, a scientist, and after a heartbeats pause he squeezes the trigger once more and drops him dead.

Madeline, left with three scientists still trying to escape, shouts in perfect German;
Surrender to the New Reich! Collaborators of the old Führer will be shot!
Realising that there was to be no escape for them, the three scientists raise their arms above their heads and walk back towards Madeline, who keeps them covered with her submachine gun. She motions them back towards the bunker and they begin to slowly make their way down with Madeline several yards behind them with her gun trained on their backs.

I slide in under the buckled door and find myself in another corridor with three further doors leading off of it, one of them leads to a room at the front of the bunker and so I attempt to slide under it. It is airtight and so I solidify and, drawing my silenced pistol, try the handle. The door is unlocked and as it swings open I see two scientists in front of a large bank of screens each showing a different picture, the screens are like miniature cinema screens. One of the scientists turns toward me and as he is turning I notice that one of the screens is showing a group of irate looking high ranking German officers.

On top of the mine entrance, Sven transforms himself into a large owl and leaps up into the night sky. As he swoops towards the bunker on silent wings he spots a number of troops climbing into the half-track that is parked up by the villages checkpoint. On his descent to the top of the bunker he also catches sight of something crouched in the doorway of the bunker, but he can’t quite make out what it is. Sven lands softly on the roof of the bunker and is mildly surprised when seconds later Frank is crouched beside him. He was definitely not there a moment ago.

The scientist’s jaw visabily drops and he sees a beautiful woman holding a gun pointed at him. In my most captivating voice I suggest that they surrender. The one standing raises his hands slowly and the one sat down falls off of his stool in his desperation to make sure that I don’t shoot him. I gesture them towards the far wall and tell them in fluent German;
Kneel facing the wall!
They do so, and I step up behind the one on the left and stroke the side of his face, he initially flinches from me but he does not resist and I ask him how to detonate the Wolfenkorps Alpha device. Obviously, he doesn’t tell me, but he does think about the process and in that moment I ‘borrow’ his knowledge of how to do it. I then step back and shoot him in the back of the head, he slumps to the floor dead. His colleague scrambles towards the door and I calmly track him and put three bullets in him before he makes it halfway across the room.

As Madeline guides her three scientists down to the bunkers entrance, she notices a figure crouched in the doorway. The Wolfenkorps trooper shouts at Madeline;
Halt an oder ich schieße!
Madeline replies in perfect German;
Surrender or die! Heil Himmler!
The Wolfenkorps trooper opens fire and one of the scientists drops to the floor with his blood staining the snow. Madeline dives for cover to her left, hoping to put the bulk of the bunker between her and the Wolfenkorps trooper in the doorway. On the roof of the bunker Frank slings his rifle and whips out a large knife in each hand, he then disappears.

The Wolfenkorps trooper in the doorway of the bunker leans out slightly to try and get a clear shot on the woman who was holding the gun, he is completely surprised when out of thin air a British commando clutching two very large knives is stood right in front of him. The trooper has no time to react before Frank plunges both daggers to the hilt in his chest.

Leaving the two bodies of the scientists where they died I move over to the bank of screens, and in particular the array of dials, switches, and buttons. Using my ‘borrowed’ knowledge I start the initiation sequence for the Wolfenkorps Alpha device. As it is starting up I hear Madeline shouting my name from somewhere in the bunker complex, glancing at the screens in front of me I can see Madeline, Frank and Sven at the bunkers entrance. I head out to meet them.

I slide back under the buckled door and arrive just in time to see Sven dispatching the injured Wolfenkorps troopers with his bren gun. I quickly catch them up on what has happened and the fact that we need to close the bunker door as I have started the weapon sequence. Madeline says in German;
One of these lovely scientists will show us how to close the door. Won’t you?
She emphasises this last statement by pointing her submachine gun at them. They quickly nod their agreement. I point at the buckled door and say;
Through here.
I then transform back into shadow form and slip under the door leaving them behind. I head straight back to the control room to check on the progress of the initiation sequence.

Frank and Sven step up and wrench the door out of its frame and head through. Frank stalks ahead to make sure that the corridor is clear while Sven checks out the rooms in the corridor that they pass to make sure that there are no surprises. I hear Frank creep into the control room behind me as I am leaning over the controls preparing to remove the safety locks. Frank saunters over and slaps my backside, I look back over my shoulder and blow him a kiss and then get back to trying to kill Hitler.

Sven discovers a kitchen and then the officers mess. The mess is decorated with swastikas and laid out ready for entertaining the high command, there are also two further screens in the mess that are displaying pictures of the Wolfenkorps Alpha device. An idea grabs Sven when he sees the empty champagne glasses on a silver tray. He picks up four glasses and heads back to the kitchen.

Madeline guides the remaining scientists into the control room and tells them to shut the outer door of the bunker. They do so and we here the clang resounding through the structure a moment later. Meanwhile, I have managed to remove the safeties and the device is ready for detonation. It is just a case of lifting the cover and flicking the switch. I pause and look around the room. This feels like a huge moment and I want to remember everything. It is at that thoughtful moment that Sven walks through the door carrying four glasses and a chilled bottle of champagne.

Madeline hustles the two scientists into the kitchen and tells them to stay in there or face her retribution, they cower in the corner of the room. We all take a glass of champagne from Sven and then I ask Frank if he will do the honours. Frank steps forward, lifts the cover, and as we raise our glasses he flicks the switch.

There is a moment's pause and then all of the screens flash bright white and then each screen shows nothing but static. A second later and we feel the concrete beneath our feet rumble and shake as the concussive wave crashes over the bunker. We then hear the noise of the enormous explosion. There is then two seconds of silence until we finally hear a low rumble in the distance. One by one we place our glasses back on the silver tray and share a moment of quiet celebration. Then Madeline says;
Time to leave!
Sven transforms into a thrush and flaps up onto Frank’s shoulder while Madeline and I transform into shadows and slide onto Frank’s body. Less than a minute later Frank smiles and disappears. The Wolfenkorps troops will find the bunker locked from the inside with only two scientists alive inside with fantastical stories about two women and two men triggering the device.

Frank re-materialises back in his snipers nest in the treeline behind the bunker. We hunker down and survey the scene. There is a massive cloud of dust and snow billowing out of the mine entrance, Madeline’s sharp eyes pick out the silhouette of a figure in a German officers uniform standing within the dust cloud. As she watches, the figure turns back towards the mine and shimmers out of sight. Whether it was the dust cloud that obscured him or whether he became insubstantial she could only speculate. But she was sure that she had seen Hauptmann Wilck.

Noticing that the halftrack full of Wolfenkorps troopers is still heading in the direction of the bunker Sven says that it is time for the second half of our mission. Madeline agrees to go with Sven and destroy the Wolfenkorps Beta industrial complex while Frank and myself make our way back to OP1. Sven transforms into a large owl and Madeline, taking what if left of our explosives, turns into a shadow and slides onto him. They fly up into the night sky as I slide onto Frank and we disappear.

Schloss Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, Germany, January 1943
By seventeen hundred hours Sven and Madeline are just arriving at the industrial site on the edge of Lake Alpsee, and Frank and I are not far from OP1. Sven and Madeline get to work quickly and efficiently. Sven lands on the first of the sites large fuel tanks and Madeline drops one of the twenty second charges and pulls the detonator pin. Sven then flies towards the second fuel tank and they carry out the same procedure. As they are flying towards the third, and final, fuel tank there is a massive double explosion as the first charge explodes closely followed by the fuel tank itself.

By the time that Sven and Madeline land back in OP1 there are three huge fires burning through the collapsed wreckage of the three industrial buildings by the side of Lake Alpsee. We settle in and watch the schloss for a short while to see what happens. It doesn’t take long. By seventeen fifteen hours vehicles in the inner courtyard of the schloss roar into life and a number of soldiers and medical personnel climb on board and they head quickly down towards the industrial site. Two trucks and two cars full of people. Frank looks over and says;
The Schloss will be quiet. Shall we?
Within less than three minutes we are all stood within the small broom cupboard inside Schloss Neuschwanstein. I push out with my senses to find out where the enhanced are currently. The owls are all in their usual locations, as are the Wolfenhund in their kennel, as well as them I get three pings at the front gate. I push them all and discover that it is two Wolfenhund and a Wolfenkorps Type B trooper. I inform the others and we once again get Frank to teleport us all to the Wolfenkorps Beta administration office on the second floor of the schloss.

Frank, Sven, and I cover the three doors of the office while Madeline makes sure that all of the important paperwork is piled up ready to burn. She finds a bottle of schnapps and pours it all of the office. She then lights two cigarettes, passes one to me, and then drops the match into the pile of paperwork. We stand there a moment enjoying the cigarettes while making sure that the fire is well and truly ablaze. Once we are convinced we begin to make our way to the fourth floor and the application room.